Changes for all Lake Placid Vacation Rentals, Is it Right?



by | 28 Jan 2019

Here is an issue very close to our hearts at GO-Cottage. The village of Lake Placid and the town of North Elba have proposed new short-term Vacation Rental laws. These new regulations would make it a lot more challenging to own and operate a short-term vacation rental. One of these regulations introduces a 3-night minimum for Lake Placid Vacation rentals, prohibiting a popular 2-night weekend stay.

This is a huge issue worldwide. Airbnb is going public this year, supported by all of us vacation rental owners and travelers. The sharing economy is enormous, growing and isn’t going anywhere but up. Communities need to embrace this change. The village of Lake Placid thrives on this community of vacation rentals as they bring a great number of travelers who contribute significantly to the Lake Placid economy.

Our biggest issue is our rights as property owners.  The people have to stand up for what is right.  Read all about the town hall meeting here.

There were about 150-200 people attending and forty or so got up and spoke. One man said that his family has been doing rentals for 100 years! Imagine that! 100 years of vacation renting. Lake Placid’s community was founded on this. It relies on the income that is generated, yet the powers that be want to contain it.

If you wish to support our community of vacation rental owners, please consider writing a short letter to the town as soon as possible, stating how much you enjoy coming to Lake Placid and staying in a vacation rental rather than a hotel. Here are the names and email addresses of those you can send your letters to.

Town of North Elba Town Board:

Supervisor Robert T. Politi: [email protected]   518- 523-9516, (fax) 518-523-9569

Councilman Jack Favro: [email protected]

Councilman Bob Miller:

Councilman Derek Doty: [email protected]

Councilman Jay Rand: 2693 Main St., Lake Placid, NY 12946

The Village of Lake Placid Board of Trustees

Craig H. Randall, Mayor:    518-523-2597

Art Devlin, Trustee and Deputy Mayor:    518-523-3700

Peter Holderied, Trustee:     518-637-6482

Jason Leon, Trustee:    518-631-3601

Scott Monroe, Trustee:

For more information, check out this article from the Adirondack Daily Enterprise. Please do what you can to help our beautiful community of Lake Placid. Thank you.

I just want to congratulate you on the exquisite job you did on the Cottages! Did I mention how dreamy the beds are? I had my best night's sleep in weeks. Ahhhhh Oh my god! I just want to move in today. You have such lovely taste. It has such a peaceful aura. We all had a wonderful stay. Thank you again.


New York, NY

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